VEF's Strategic Move: BlackBuck's IPO Success
VEF celebrates BlackBuck's successful IPO in India, marking a milestone for the fintech investor.

VEF's portfolio company, BlackBuck, has successfully gone public in India, generating significant revenue for VEF and showcasing India's booming IPO market.
VEF, a prominent fintech investor in emerging markets, has announced the successful public listing of its portfolio company, BlackBuck, on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited. This marks a significant milestone for VEF as BlackBuck becomes the first of its Indian investments to go public.
Through the IPO, VEF realized gross proceeds of approximately USD 2 million by selling 40% of its 0.95% stake in BlackBuck. The remaining 60% of its holding is subject to a six-month lock-up period. This strategic move aligns with VEF's broader strategy to enhance liquidity and strengthen its balance sheet while maintaining a significant interest in BlackBuck's future growth.
BlackBuck, founded in 2015, has established itself as a leading platform for truck operators in India. The platform facilitates digital management of toll and fuel payments, telematics for tracking, and access to a marketplace for finding freight. With 963,345 truck operators using the platform, BlackBuck processes a substantial volume of transactions, demonstrating its critical role in India's logistics sector.
The IPO raised approximately USD 65 million in new capital, with existing shareholders selling shares worth around USD 67 million at a price of INR 273 per share. This successful listing is a testament to the robust growth and potential of the Indian IPO market, which has seen 258 listings from Q1 to Q3 2024, accounting for 30% of global IPOs.
Alexis Koumoudos, VEF's Chief Investment Officer, expressed pride in witnessing BlackBuck's public market debut. He highlighted the IPO as a step towards improving VEF's liquidity and reinforcing its financial position while remaining committed to supporting BlackBuck's journey.
Given the current market dynamics and VEF's strategic positioning, investors might consider holding their positions. The partial sale provides liquidity, but VEF's retention of a significant stake indicates confidence in BlackBuck's continued growth potential.
VEF, en fintech-investerare på tillväxtmarknader, meddelar att deras portföljbolag BlackBuck har börsnoterats i Indien under tickern BLACKBUCK. VEF har sålt 40% av sin ägarandel i BlackBuck vid introduktionen och genererat cirka 2 miljoner USD i bruttointäkter. De behåller 60% av sin andel, som är låst i sex månader. Transaktionen påverkar inte VEFs totala substansvärde nämnvärt. BlackBuck har genom börsintroduktionen rest cirka 65 miljoner USD i nytt kapital och existerande ägare har sålt aktier för cirka 67 miljoner USD. Indiens IPO-marknad växer starkt, med 258 noteringar under de första tre kvartalen 2024, vilket är 30% av den globala andelen. BlackBuck, grundat 2015, erbjuder en digital plattform för lastbilsoperatörer i Indien för att hantera betalningar, övervaka transporter och få tillgång till finansiering. Plattformen har använts av över 963 000 lastbilsoperatörer och hanterat betalningar motsvarande cirka 2,1 miljarder USD under 2024. VEF är ett investmentbolag som fokuserar på att investera i tidiga skeden av företag som erbjuder moderna finansiella tjänster på tillväxtmarknader.